What is Elevate Leadership Institute?
提升领导力学院旨在灌输塑造日常行为的领导品质和观点. 我们相信,这赋予了个人领导能力,无论他们发现自己在哪里, whether it's at home, at work, or as an engaged member of the community.
The Black Hills Region's future success depends on pro-active, 具有远见卓识的领导人,战略性地逐步朝着所有人的共同利益迈进. The Elevate Leadership Institute develops passionate, motivated, and engaged citizens who understand how the workings of our community, state, region, and nation impact everyday lives.
这个领导力项目旨在吸引来自黑山地区的参与公民,并为他们提供背景知识, unique experiences, and insights necessary to assume leadership positions in the community. Participating in an ELI leadership class will build self-confidence, teach valuable skills, identify one's greatest strengths, and empower individuals to maximize opportunities for success. An ELI graduate will advance their natural desire to serve, engage, lead and inspire others to join them to achieve even greater success. 我们将共同发现这一愿景,并继续发展伙伴关系,为所有人提升该地区的水平.
Who is Elevate Leadership Institute For?
Aspiring Entrepreneurs
As soon as you take the seemingly small step of hiring your first employee, the entire dynamic of your business is liable to change, because you’re no longer only responsible for yourself. If your ultimate career goal is to be a successful entrepreneur, developing your leadership skills is an essential piece of the puzzle, 并且可以帮助你获得建立和管理高绩效团队所必需的技能.
Businesses And Organizations
Realizing the benefits of promoting from within, 公司需要为员工提供发展成功所需技能的途径. Investing in professional development initiatives, such as leadership training, is an effective way of doing so. 它还可以提高员工的保留率:统计数据显示,如果公司投资帮助员工学习和专业成长,员工会在公司呆得更久.
New Leaders
许多成熟的组织在决定雇佣或提拔谁担任领导职务时都遵循严格的等级制度. Applicants, whether internal or external, 必须达到一定的教育水平和经验才能被考虑. But in smaller or more nimble organizations, this hierarchy may not be formally established, 什么可以让一个人进入一个领导的位置,即使他们还没有这样的角色的经验. (This can be particularly true for many startup environments.)
如果你发现自己突然出乎意料地被推上了领导的位置, 参加领导力培训是让你适应新角色的有效方法.
Early- And Mid-Career Professionals
目前作为个人贡献者或部门或组织内的专家工作的职业生涯早期或中期的专业人士将从完成领导力培训中受益. 对于那些渴望最终进入管理或领导职位,但不确定如何实现这一目标的人来说,尤其如此. 通过参加领导力课程,积极发展你的领导技能, 你在为自己做好准备,当机会出现时做出改变.
The program costs $2,000 for investors and $2,500 for non-investors. Some financial assistance is available.
Application Process
Approximately 24 participants will be selected each year. The online application is step one. 评审团将审查申请,并邀请得分最高的申请人进行面试,以进行最终选择. 面试将在7月举行,如果你被选为2024级学生,你将在8月初收到通知.
Applications are due June 17th.
2025 Program Dates & Details
ELI课程将于每天上午8点30分至下午4点进行(最终时间可能会有变化)。. Please make sure you can commit to the full schedule before you apply.
- September 12 - Orientation
- October 10
- November 14
- December 12
- January 9, 2025
- February 13, 2025
- March 13, 2025
- April 10, 2025
- May 8, 2025 - Graduation
Application Tips
Be Authentic: 在你的申请中要真诚,展示你独特的品质、经历和观点. 真实是证明你适合提升领导力学院的关键. 一份强有力的、写得好的申请对评委来说是强有力的、有吸引力的.
As you write your application, imagine the judges have no idea who you are. 请认真回答问题,记住这是评委了解你的唯一机会,以决定你是否应该进入下一轮.
Proofread and Edit: 在提交你的申请之前,彻底校对任何语法错误或拼写错误. 考虑让一个值得信赖的朋友、家庭成员或导师来审查你的申请并获得反馈.
Applications are now open!
Deadline to apply is June 17, 2024. Extensions are not available.
Linda Rabe Women In Leadership Scholarship
琳达·拉贝女性领导力奖学金是由拉皮德城为纪念琳达·拉贝而设立的, former President and CEO of the Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce. Linda spent over thirty years with the Chamber, was the first female to serve as its chief executive, and broke barriers for other women in leadership throughout her career. 她的奉献精神和承诺让更多的女性进入布莱克山的领导岗位,直到今天仍在激励着我们.
这项奖学金将颁发给通过提升领导力学院的女性, 谁表现出作为当前或未来社区领袖的潜力,谁表现出热情, integrity, 以及对提升拉皮德城使命的承诺——为每个人提升拉皮德城地区.
To apply for this full-tuition scholarship, you will need to submit your ELI application and the scholarship application. 申请将要求提交一份500字的个人陈述和一封推荐信.